New Year New Beginnings
Did you know that you sparkle? Your light is inspiring others to shine! Even if you didn't know, it's true! I always start off my year reflecting on the the wins of last year. It's good to see how much we have done, and let go of what hasn't. Which leads me to a STUDIO MAKEOVER! In less fancy terms, it is my version of spring cleaning, which I always do at the beginning of the year. As a mom, spring is bustling with so much, including events and classes... who can pause then? Now is slower, and the perfect time to recollect myself, my dreams, and my goals. Though, as a mom, it is funny because as I take down my studio and change it up to serve my new intentions that have grown even bigger (from teaching classes, to making art collections, to connecting with small businesses to wholesale in), I can hear my kids cleaning out their rooms and making their own spaces up. Now with cleaning, means... HELP ME LET GO OF THE OLD
Going Live on POPSHOP LIVE today at 4pm pst!