Breaking up my routine

Breaking up my routine


I want to shout out stepping out of your normal routine... this last year I put out there I wanted to connect more in my community to let people know I exist in our city.

That's when I met this glowing light on left here... Emily from The Playful Space!

We apparently had gone to high school together but never had crossed paths until 20 years later... Here we are at the CelebrateYOUpalooza event she and another friend, Cassandra from By That One Girl, created and invited me to participate in as an art station/vendor! Behind me is a large scale coloring page on a canvas specifically designed for event and the theme of resiliency in every season of life!


As grown ups, we don't allow ourselves time to play. And seeing so many individuals participate in this fun activity... I saw how routine can get us lost sometimes.

Fast forward to today... it has been a little over a month since this moment and it was amazing! But I felt like I was getting in a rut... not that I haven't been busy with my business, but that I needed a change.

I woke up this morning and changed up my routine from staying home inside to go to the local farmer's market.

So I go out and end up running into 4 different people... all of which have different businesses of their own... and they all want to collaborate in different ways! One a cowgirl hat paint night, one wants to participate in my next art show I'm curating, another wants three characters designed for her booth, and another wants to do a paint night at their restaurant!

Needless to say, I'm glad I went... because I had no clue what God had in store for me. I just was thinking going to the market and only picking up some veggies... not jobs!

​So try something new! Even if it is to shake off the art block... you just never know!

Life happens when you step outside your studio,


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