Art Classes are better than ever!
Amazing what a year can do! What we can do! Teaching art and creative classes has been such a blessing for our family. Doing what I love while passing on the lessons and skills I learned to the next generation.
I see how I pushed for something different, and I didn't let the paperwork stop me.
I see how even locations change, but to offer better and bigger opportunities.
This year has been a lot, but the growth of every baby step forward is coming to bloom.
I see the light turn on in each one of my students when they get a concept or come up with a new idea. I see their joy in their work. And that doesn't go to say that there aren't struggles, but in the struggle we create beautiful things!
"She believed she could, so she did."
This is so true now that I look back on this part of my journey. I saw a need and I went for it.
Nothing is overnight, so just keep starting, keep trying, keep dreaming. You'll get there! Just believe in yourself, and you'll attract the right support you need to make it through. It may not be exactly how you envisioned... it will be better! When worry and fear creep in, pray to God and ask your loved ones on the otherside for help. They have your back. You just have to ask.
Can't believe I am getting ready for 2025!
Class registration has already begun and now offering online and in-person classes for all!
We have different sections so check it out.
Dreaming & believing,