Angels on my mind
Ever since I was a teen, I always prayed for the unborn, the lost, and the abused. I pray to spiritual adopt them and send them hope and love. I knew I always would be a mother, and we have been blessed with two of our own. After medical abuse from my last birth, having another just wasn't in the cards for us. And then came word that I was going to be an auntie... and that's all I needed.
I'm blessed to have my niece earth side. My nephew was only here a short time, but he was here as long as he could be. They both are like my own. I couldn't imagine life without them.
The loss of a child at any age is something I know as a family member and friend. I do know they are on the other side, praying for us. My grandma lost two of my aunties. My mom lost two babies of her own. My great grandma, even more. Many of my friends have too. And even though I never knew them here, I talk to them often and feel their presence. Just like my nephew. Their spirits are alive with hope and miracles.
That is why this last weekend I reached out to Amelia Molloy's Angels and offered to paint during their 3rd annual gala. They are a local charity, which serves families in Kern County who experience infertility by relieving the emotional and financial stress by providing family grants, monthly support groups and comfort kits.

Everyone was dressed to the nines and so kind!
I never know the final results of my work, or plan much before, because I want my art to be a reflection of the moment. As I began sketching and painting I felt called to draw a golden haired angel holding a baby in the midst of stormy clouds.
I caught myself for a moment and had to catch my breath as I realized for me, this was my aunt and nephew in heaven. But God wasn't done telling me more.
A lady walked up and also stopped and asked if what I was painting was Amelia and Collins (the founder Ashley's children, Amelia in Heaven and Collins who now is here on earth). Now, I didn't know her story in this moment, and I explained maybe it was, but God tells me what to paint during the process.
As I finished the final details, I heard Ashley get on stage and tell her story of how she and her husband had tried for years having kids, and miscarried their Amelia at 20 weeks. And how they wanted to do something to help others in their situation and honor her memory, which is how the Angels were formed. And now they have this little boy Collins. Their story touched me, and I am crying as I'm writing this.
More tears were shed as others like Maddie Jensen who have also struggled spoke their personal stories to honor, support, and raise money for infertility awareness. Really opening my eyes to how much the American birth rate has dropped and how infertility is higher than it has ever been. How we need to love and do everything we can now to take care of our bodies, to listen to women who struggle, and to be gracious to all as we don't know their stories until we stop and listen.
Honored to donate this piece. It was apart of the live auction and all the proceeds went to the foundation. If you'd like to donate to this amazing charity, please visit Amelia Molloy's Angels for more info.
Thank you all so much for letting me connect with your loved ones and give back!
They will never be forgotten,